Samsung launched its new mobile, Samsung Wave in India yesterday, This phone is priced at Rs.19,000 and we have a Nokia Phone, Nokia X6 16GB which is almost the same price range Rs.16,000. A Friend of mine Mayank Sehgal wanted me to compare these two phones and publish. So here i go, Comparison of Samsung Wave vs Nokia X6 16GB
Parameter | Samsung Wave | Nokia X6 16GB |
Network | GSM Quad-band phone capable of global roaming (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) | GSM Quad-band phone capable of global roaming (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) |
Dimensions | 118 x 56 x 10.9 mm | 111 x 51 x 13.8 mm |
Weight | 116 Gram | 122 Gram |
Display | Color, 16 777 216 colors, 480 x 800 pixels WVGA SUPER AMOLED | Color, 16 777 216 colors, 360 x 640 pixels TFT |
Camera | 5 Mega Pixel | 5 Mega Pixel |
Battery | Li-Ion: 1500 mAh Talk Time: 15 Hours Stand By: 600 Hours | Li-Ion: 1320 mAh Talk Time: 11.5 Hours Stand By: 420 Hours |
Operating System | Samsung Bada Platform | Symbian |
Bluetooth | Yes, Bluetooth 3.0 | Yes, Bluetooth 2.0 |
Wi Fi | Yes | Yes |
3G | Yes | Yes |
Expandable Memory | Expandable up to 32GB | Inbuilt Memory of 16GB, No Expandable Memory Slot |
Colors | Black | White/Yellow , Black/Black, White/Pink |