Saturday, July 14, 2012

Google Starts Giving Away Free CDs With Chrome At Best Buy

Clayton Pritchard chrome 
Clayton Pritchard chrome 
At I/O last month, Google announced that it would soon start selling Chromebooks at Best Buy and the first of these Chromebook displays have now found their way into Best Buy’s brick-and-mortar stores across the United States. One thing Google didn’t say at the time was that it would also use these new Chromebook displays to hand out CDs with its Chrome browser on them. As Google+ user Clayton Pritchard found out, though, that’s exactly what Google is doing. The CDs, says Pritchard, hang underneath the Chromebook demo units and come “in really cool plexiglass cases held together by magnets.”
Google obviously took this idea of giving away free CDs straight out of the NetZero and AOL playbook (disclaimer: AOL owns TechCrunch). While it may seem odd that Google is giving away physical CDs in this day and age, chances are that many of the mainstream consumers who still shop at Best Buy haven’t quite moved away from shrink-wrapped software either.
Despite Chrome’s ongoing success, Google is clearly willing to put its marketing efforts behind the browser to make it even more mainstream than it already is today.
As for the Chromebook displays themselves, Pritchard writes that the one he saw was manned by a “Chrome Expert” who was pretty well informed about the product and likely worked for a third-party company and received his training directly from Google.

Photo credit: Clayton Pritchard on Google+

HTC Droid Incredible 4G LTE Review: Solid Little Phone, Awfully Big Name


Short Version

Does bigger always mean better? It depends on who you ask of course, but more than a few major smartphone manufacturers would probably say yes. Even the notorious hold-outs at Apple are rumored to be working on something a bit larger than their usual — in short, the race to be the biggest doesn’t show any signs of letting up.
In a market where big smartphones reign supreme though, Verizon and HTC seem to think that a smaller device can still captivate some jaded consumers. As a result they’ve put together the Droid Incredible 4G LTE, a poorly named device that manages to squeeze a surprising amount of power into a relatively small frame.
  • 4.0-inch qHD Super LCD display
  • Runs Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich and Sense 4.0
  • 1.2 GHz dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor
  • 1GB of RAM
  • 8GB of onboard storage, accepts microSD cards as large as 32GB
  • NFC
  • 8-megapixel rear camera, VGA front-facing camera
  • MSRP: $149 with a two-year contract, available as of July 5, 2012
  • Great Super LCD display
  • Plenty of horsepower for daily tasks
  • Solid build quality
  • Screen may seem too small for some
  • Verizon loaded it up with quite a bit of bloatware
  • It’s not terribly handsome

Long Version


The first thing I noticed about about the Droid Incredible 4G LTE is just how small it felt in my hands. After months of toting around a Galaxy Nexus, it was actually kind of shocking. The Incredible 4G is just a hair wider than the iPhone 4S, but its taller stature and slightly narrower screen make it seem leaner than it actually is. Even so, the device has a well-constructed feel to it — it has a comforting heft to it and a quick bit of bending yielded none of the tell-tale creaking sounds that plague lower-end handsets.
At its thickest point the new Incredible comes in at 11.7mm — a far cry from the slim waistlines of HTC’s One S or the iPhone 4S, but it never feels like too much of a handful. That’s mostly thanks to the device’s curved back — like in the HTC Rezound before it, that curve helps the device from feeling too chunky.

The name of the design game here is nearly the same as it has been for nearly every other HTC/Verizon device in recent memory — the Incredible 4G’s rear is swathed in a matte black soft-touch plastic (warning: it picks up smudges easily), and the signature red trim around the camera lens makes a return after being left out of the Droid Incredible 2. Probably the most notable aspect of the Incredible 4G’s back plate though is the grippy, ridged finish that covers most of it — yet another design cue from the Rezound.
Aesthetically speaking, it’s not all old news — while the back has a matte finish, the device’s face is lined with a glossy gray plastic that helps break up the monotony. Most of the real estate is taken up by the device’s 4-inch Super LCD display (more on that later, naturally), and sitting below that is HTC’s now-standard row of three Android navigation keys — back, home, and recent apps. The front-facing VGA camera sits just above the screen, and north of those are a handsome red speaker grill, sleep/wake button, and headphone jack. The microUSB port is located on the Incredible 4G’s bottom left side, just opposite microSIM and microSD slots (though you’ll have to pop off that back plate to get to them).
All things considered, the Incredible 4G is solidly built, but it pales in comparison to the One series when it comes to looks. It’s actually quite a shame — with the One series, HTC has proven that it can design phones that look as good as they are constructed, but little of what they’ve learned has made the transition to the new Incredible. And it’s not as though the devices weren’t in the works at the same time — a very early version of the Incredible 4G was spotted back in February, right around when the One series made its debut at MWC 2012 in Barcelona.


Unlike the last device I reviewed, I’m pleased to report that the Incredible 4G runs on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, though it’s obscured a bit by HTC’s Sense 4.0 UI. If you’ve read Jordan’s HTC One S review, you’ll already have gotten the gist of Sense 4.0, but I’ll add that the latest version of Sense is far more tolerable than the versions that came before it.
That may not sound like much of a compliment, but coming from a person who thinks that Ice Cream Sandwich (and Jelly Bean, natch) are best left untouched, that statement carries more weight than it seems.

While previous iterations of Sense (especially Sense 3.0) seemed intent on wowing users with unnecessary graphical and UI flourishes that ultimately had a deleterious effect on performance, Sense 4.0 looks and feels much lighter and less obtrusive. There are plenty of thoughtful touches to be found here — the almost webOS-esque multitasking interface, the ability to edit the app tabs at the bottom of the launcher, the custom widget panel that pops up when long-pressing the homescreen, etc.
In a way, Sense has matured over these past few years, making it one of the better custom UIs that consumers. That being said, there are still some quirks to look out for and the device’s menu button situation immediately comes to mind. Unlike stock ICS, which often sees the menu’s soft key placed in either an app’s top or bottom navigation bar, HTC often gives the menu button a bar of its own to inhabit. It’s thoughtful, in a way — easy access to settings is always appreciated — but it just takes up more room than it’s worth. The keyboard is also remarkably similar to the Sense keyboard of yore, which I’ll admit I’ve never been a fan of.
What’s less tolerable is what Verizon has done to the Incredible 4G — unsurprisingly, the carrier has opted to load up the device with plenty of bloatware to contend with. Some of the offending bits like game demos are easily removed, but as usual preloaded Verizon utilities like My Verizon Mobile and the Verizon app store can’t be uninstalled. Fortunately, Sense allows for individual apps to be disabled and hidden from sight so it’s simple enough to clean house even though you can never really get rid of them (short of flashing a custom ROM).
Verizon seems to have done a bit of fiddling in other parts of the UI too: one of the tabs in the app launcher quickly brings up all of Verizon’s pre-installed nonsense, and users can keep their eyes peeled for persistent (and mildly obnoxious) notifications about their Wi-Fi status.


Here’s the thing about the Incredible 4G’s camera — it sports an 8-megapixel rear sensor and the ImageSense camera UI like its cousins in the One series, but it doesn’t seem to have the discrete ImageChip that HTC is so proud of. That said, though, images were sharp and colors were vivid, there’s some distinct graininess when light levels dip.
HTC’s ImageSense UI makes up for things a bit by putting plenty of controls at the user’s fingertips without becoming overwhelming. Settings and scene modes are aligned vertically along the left side of the screen, while the shutter button, video toggle, and a full array of artsy filters can be accessed with one touch.
The Incredible 4G also shoots some impressive video, though there’s plenty of room for improvement. There’s plenty of wiggle to be seen even with the video stabilization option turned on, so users will have to be extra mindful so their recordings don’t turn into wobbling messes. On top of that, auto focus is awfully slow when recording video, so be prepared to tap-to-focus more often than not.
The end result is a very solid camera that could have been so much more. One last thing worth noting is that the Incredible 4G lacks a dedicated physical shutter button. Sure, the One X and the One S don’t have one either, but if Verizon and HTC were going to run with a completely different design, they could’ve improved things for the better a bit.


Let’s be real here: the screen is not going to work for everyone. It wasn’t that long ago that a 4-inch display would’ve gotten us phone geeks all hot and bothered, but those days have passed and the Incredible’s screen is left looking a little puny compared the flashy big guys on the market.
Say what you will about its size, but the Incredible 4G’s 4-inch Super LCD display is a very pleasant addition to the package. Colors were bright and well-reproduced, viewing angles were excellent, and visibility in sunlight was solid (though you’ll have to be mindful about cranking up the brightness).
Of course, some compromises had to be made. Unlike some of the 720p devices in roughly the same price range, the Incredible’s display runs at qHD resolution (960 x 540). It doesn’t squeeze as many pixels as some other device displays can — the Incredible 4G has a pixel density of 276 ppi, which bests the One S (256 ppi) but can’t touch the Galaxy S III’s 306 ppi. Still, that matters less on a smaller screen, and there was nary a jagged, pixellated edge to be found.
In the end, how much you or any other potential customer will like this phone depends a whole lot on your thoughts about screen size. That initial sense of screen-related claustrophobia subsided after a few days, but my heart ultimately still yearns for something bigger. If you’re thinking about picking one of these things up, do yourself a favor and play with it in person first.


Don’t let its looks fool you — the Incredible 4G may be small, but it packs some considerable power under the hood thanks to its 1.2GHz Snapdragon S4 chipset (the Adreno 220 GPU doesn’t hurt either). From a purely anecdotal standpoint, I didn’t see a single hiccup as I swiped though the Incredible 4G’s menus and scrolled through long lists of links on a handful of websites. Similarly, the Incredible handled my usual test suite of HD videos and games with aplomb — this little guy has plenty of oomph.
The Incredible 4G’s average Quadrant score was 4098 — understandably not quite as high as the HTC One S (4371) since it sports a more robust spec sheet, but it’s awfully close. Meanwhile, it put the Galaxy Nexus (2730) to shame, though that seems to be a recurring trend with the devices I’ve played with recently. In short, the new Incredible should have no trouble keeping up with your daily grind.
Network performance was equally solid, with the Incredible 4G hitting an average of 14.2 Mbps down and 5.3 Mbps up in my quiet little corner of New Jersey. It goes without saying that your results be vary from mine (unless you live down the road, in which case you should come over and say “hi”), but Verizon’s network continues to be the one to beat if you’re looking for strong, widespread LTE coverage. In typical HTC fashion, call quality was remarkable as well — clear, crisp, and always loud enough.
What does miff me about the Incredible 4G is that it’s ostensibly meant to be a music-friendly device, but it’s stuck with a rather wimpy speaker on its rear end. I realize I may be picking nits here, but I long for the day that I review a device with a top-notch integrated speaker so jamming out on the go isn’t so problematic.


I wasn’t expecting much out of the Incredible 4G when it came to its removable 1700 mAh battery. My iffy past experiences with the original Incredible subconsciously soured me for the Incredible 4G’s potential, but it ended up performing better than I hoped. While using the Incredible 4G as my daily driver, I was easily able to get through an entire day of taking calls, firing off emails/texts, and sneaking in the occasional YouTube video before my battery went critical.
If you’re the type who just likes to sit around and fiddle with your phone all day, your results will obviously be a little different. In our typical stress test — in which display brightness is set to 50% and the device is set to repeat a series of Google Image Searches — the Incredible 4G lasted five hours and 12 minutes.
That’s not too shabby at all, and it compares favorably to both the One S (4:51) and the Galaxy S III (5:15). When it came to our video stress test, the Incredible 4G put up similar results. With display brightness set to 50% and volume cranked all the way up, it managed to play just a hair over five hours of nonstop video before finally giving up the ghost.
I don’t need to tell you that these sorts of intensive test results shouldn’t be taken as gospel, but combined with my day-to-day experience with the device, anyone who takes the plunge probably won’t have much to worry about on this front.


I’ve come to really like the Droid Incredible 4G LTE, but it’s far from being a game-changer. That by itself isn’t a problem, but its lofty price tag doesn’t exactly help. At $149, the Droid Incredible 4G LTE is just a stone’s throw away from devices like the new Galaxy S III, which many have called the Android phone to beat.
It becomes difficult, then, to recommend something like the Incredible 4G when something exceptional can be had for nearly the same price, but bigger isn’t always better. If your mitts just can’t grapple with something like the Galaxy S III or Galaxy Nexus (or if you just prefer a phone that’s less conspicuous in your pocket), the Incredible 4G is an admirable choice in spite of its minor flaws.

Lightspeed Ventures Positions For The New Age of Data With Investments in Storage Space

Lightspeed Venture Partners has had a phenomenal run in the next generation storage market. In the past 12 to 14 months, four of its portfolio companies have been acquired and one has gone to IPO. Here they are:
Other Lightspeed portfolio companies:
  • Tintri combines Flash and disk media. it has developed a storage management software that is customized for the needs of  needs of virtual machines.
  • Nimble combines primary storage and backup in a system with Flash and disk media.
  • Nutanix combines compute and storage. That allows for consolidation of infrastructure environments – a huge priority as companies seek to shed their data centers.
Data is the disruptor. Lightspeed seems to understand this by investing in companies that will be crucial in shaping next generation architectures for the new age of data.

7 Cool Facebook Tips You Probably Didn’t Know About

These days, if you are on the internet, chances are that you use Facebook. Whether it’s to get in touch with old friends, plan events, participate in discussions, share pictures, or just have a chat, Facebook has become very much a part of our day to day lives. It is bringing people together every day, building relationships, growing friendships, helping people find business partners or groups with common interests.
Cool Facebook Tips
But like in all social networks, Facebook too has some secret tips that only very regular and pro users know about. Are you sure you are getting maximum benefits out of your Facebook account? Are you able to use it to the full? Here are seven awesome tricks and tips that will make your Facebook experience much better and much more fulfilling.

1. Update your Facebook without opening it

Many offices have wised up to their employee’s social networking habits. If your workplace has blocked Facebook, or you are afraid they may be keeping tabs, you can still write on your wall and keep your friends updated, by using either hellotxt or

2. Get rid of the ads on your profile

Don’t you just hate it when you see all the irrelevant and irritating ads on your profile and around your wall? With the Facebook Cleaner tool, you can purge your page of annoying ads and updates. If there are any vendors whose ads or updates you are interested in receiving, you can specify that to the software, and it will make the necessary exceptions.

3. Schedule your Facebook messages

If you are going on a vacation, and you are worried that you won’t be able to keep your wall updated or will miss wishing your friends on their birthdays, you can simply write your updates and messages beforehand and schedule them to be published later, via Sendible. This tool lets you decide the time, date, and order in which you want your status posts published, and you can also specify which of your friends you want to send a message to, and when they should get it.

4. Chat without opening Facebook

Again, if you are using a computer where Facebook is blocked, or takes too long to load, you don’t have to go without chatting. You can simply place your Facebook chat window on your Firefox sidebar, by following these steps:
a) Select Organize Bookmarks from the Bookmark tab on your Firefox Window.
b) Select New Bookmark, and enter the name and location, and check ‘Load this bookmark in sidebar’
c) Launch Firefox sidebar
Alternatively, you can open your Facebook chat window from your Windows desktop by using either gabtastik or digsby, ehich are site specific browsers for web chat services.
 web chat services

5. Post your WordPress Posts to your Facebook Wall

If you are a blogger, then you probably know that Facebook can be a very useful tool for publicizing your blog. If you let your friends know what you have written, and they in turn share it with their friends, it will automatically generate readership for you. With a plugin called Wordbook, that you can download and plug into your WordPress blog, you can easily ensure that every time you post on your blog, your Facebook wall gets updated.

6. Display only selected friends on your page

Unless you have already shifted to Facebook Timeline, you will notice that Facebook randomly displays any of your friends’ profile pictures on your profile. But what if you don’t want to show the world that you are friends with someone? Or what if you want your best friend’s picture to be always on the top? Simple, go to your Friends tab, click on the Edit pencil, and specify how many friends you want shown, and who should always be there.

7. Share Filckr photos to Facebook

How boring it must be to upload your pictures on Facebook when they are already up on Flickr, especially if your camera directly uploads to your Flicker account. Flickr2Facebook is an amazing tool by which you can directly share your Flicker photos on Facebook.
These are only a few best of numerous tricks that can be used on Facebook. I hope you liked these tips and found them as useful as I did. Meanwhile, Happy Facebooking!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Worth for

Website Optimizer

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to use Proxies in Windows?

Go to control panel

1)phone modem options
3)In Providers, click Microsoft H.323 Telephony Service Provider, and then click Configure.
4)In Configure H.323 Service Provider
5)To specify an H.323 proxy, select the Use H.323 proxy, and then type the server name or IP address for the proxy.

Try google for available proxy IP /servers...
this is a easy way of using private proxy with windows... plus its more secure than public CGI ones :D

Remove duplicate files the easy way

I have always wanted this kind of software. I have thousands of mp3 songs packed in various partitions of my hard disk. I have collected these songs from several places and keep them storing, but the problem while augmenting my collection is that I am never sure whether I have copied the set of songs before or not, so I just copy them irrespective of the fact that they may be already present. The consequence is that my limited 40GB hard disk space is almost full leaving me with no more space to store anything else.
That is why I always wanted a software that could compare the contents of two folders and remove the duplicate elements.

File Comparator is a program which compares any files by their contents. This utility allow you to quickly compare contents of any files in specified folders, and allow to show files which contain same data.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Free Calls and SMS Globally with Viber

viber free calls sms
Viber is a unique type of application for Android and iOS which allows you to have free calls and sms globally, the only requirement is that you either have a 3G or wifi connection ready.
The thing which differentiates Viber from other apps like Nimbuzz, Skype, Gtalk or Yahoo is that it uses your Cell Number, rather than any User ID.
It works like this, you and your friend anywhere in the world install the viber app, verify your numbers and then open the app and use the keypad to dial the number (yes cellphone number) of your friend and your friend will receive a instant call just like they are receiving it from a GSM or CDMA network, no sign ups nothing.
viber setup
The viber app runs in the background and you get instant notification as soon as you receive any calls or sms from your friends contacting you using Viber.
This app also works great on your wifi iPad too, you only need to verify your cell number, once verified you can send free sms and call to anyone globally using your iPad.
You can download Viber app from Android Market Place and Apple App Store for free.

Design Websites without writing Code

adobe muse screenshot
You are good at design but don't know how to convert that design into coded html/css layout. Then Adobe Muse is the tool for you. You Design the layout using visual tools and Adobe Muse will do its job to convert it into professional looking websites.
Adobe Muse is a photoshop like design tool but rather than creating images it creates fully validated html/css code. Using Adobe Muse, you can focus on designed rather than coding and can easily add images, text, videos and much more with great visual control which you don’t' have in any other tools like Dreamweaver or Sitegridner.
Watch the video below to know how easy it is to design profesinal looking websites without any coding in Adobe Muse.
If you already know how to work to in Adobe's page layout program called InDesign, then designing web layouts in Adobe Muse will be very familiar to you.
At present websites created in Muse are hosted on Adobe Business Catalyst but you can easily export the files to use it on any other platform by going to the File > Export HTML feature which creates the local copy of all the files for you and you can then use any FTP program to upload it to your web host.
Muse is the code name of the product and Adobe is offering it for free during public beta period. The final version of Adobe Muse will be released in early 2012 and then you need to purchases license if you want to continue authoring website using adobe muse.
Also Adobe Muse will be available through yearly or monthly subscriptions once the final version is ready because this will allow Adobe to add new features to Muse regularly and you will have access to the most up to date functionality.

Fonts used in Logos of Popular Websites

logos of popular websites
If you are curious about knowing what fonts are used in the logos of some of the popular websites like Google, Facebook , Yahoo and others then here is the list:

1. Google
google logo font
Google logo uses the Catull font, Catull font has has a calligraphic feel with contrasting stroke weights and distinctive serifs. It is an eye-catching choice for both text and display applications.

2. facebook

facebook logo font
FaceBook logo uses the customized version of Klavika font. Klavika is a flexible family of sans serifs used for editorial and identity design.

3. YouTube

youtube logo font
YouTube logo uses Aleternate Gothic font, Alternate Gothic font is a straight diagonal font, it contains a set of three condensed sanserifs fonts.


yahoo logo font
Yahoo logo uses its own custom designed font, Daniel Gauthier created the font similar to Yahoo's and made it available at DaFont.


wikpedia logo font
Wikipedia logo uses Hoefler Text font, Hoeflter Text is a contemporary serif Antiqua font and was first designed for Apple Computer to demonstrate advanced type technologies.

6. Blogger

blogger logo font
Blogger logo uses the FF Info Display font, FF Info Dispaly font was designed for the signage at Dusseldorf Airport.

7. Windows Live

windows live logo font
Windows Live logo uses the simple Arial font, a contemporary sans serif font. Nothing Designer or unique out here.

8. twitter

twitter logo font
Twitter logo uses the modified version of Pico Alphabet Font, Pico Alphabet can be downloaded and used without any license.

9. LinkedIn

linkedin logo font
LinkedIn logo uses Myriad Pro font, Myriad is a popular font for both text and display composition.

10. Amazon

amazon logo font
Amazon logo uses the ITC Officiana Sans font, ITC Officiana font was designed for office correspondence and business documentation.

11. WordPress

wordpress logo font
WordPress logo uses Mrs Eaves font, Mrs Eaves is a transitional serif font named after Sarah Eaves.

12. eBay

ebay logo font
eBay logo uses Adobe Univers font, Univers font is similar to contemporary and Helvetica fonts.

13. Bing

bing logo font
Bing logo uses combination of ITC Bauhaus and ITC Kabel fonts.