Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Latest Discovery News related to Earth

russia fires heat wave

Russian Fires, Heat Wave, and a Drive Through Hell (Video)

A death-defying escape from a wildfire in Russia highlights how bad things have gotten.

Popular Topics
Volcanoes | Plants | Green Science | Oceans

Russian Fires, Heat Waves, and a Drive Through Hell (Video)

Posted by Michael Reilly 8 HOURS AGO | 0

Excruciating heat may already have claimed tens of thousands of lives in Russia, and pollution from rampant wildfires is adding to the death toll. Read more

Moscow Deaths Double with Smog, Heat

Posted 16 HOURS AGO | 0

The smog from the peat and forest fires burning in the countryside outside the city has choked Moscow for days. Read more

Moscow Smog

Rescuers Search for Survivors of China's Mudslides: Big Pic

Posted 18 HOURS AGO | 0

At least 127 people are dead and 1,300 still missing after an avalanche of sludge poured through northwestern China. Read more

China Mudslides

Giant Glacier Breaks on Anniversary of Global Warming

Posted by Michael Reilly Sun Aug 8, 2010 03:50 PM ET | 0

Thirty-five years after the term "global warming" was coined, a stark reminder of its symptoms reared its head in the Arctic. Read more

Tiny Frogs Reveal Big Secrets of Plate Tectonics

Posted by Zahra Hirji Sat Aug 7, 2010 03:09 PM ET | 0

Geologists disagree over when exactly the Himalayas rose up from the collision of India and Eurasia. The answer, it turns out, may lie in frog genes. Read more

Smog from Fires Chokes Moscow

Posted Fri Aug 6, 2010 02:20 PM ET | 0

The Russian capital is barely visible under the cloud of smog produced by raging wildfires nearby. Read more

Moscow Smog

GM Plants Escape Into American Wild

Posted by Jessica Marshall Fri Aug 6, 2010 01:12 PM ET | 0

Genetically modified plants in the wild could lead to a farmer's nightmare: pesticide-resistant weeds. Read more

canola plant

Toxic Algae Destroys Shark Brains

Posted by Jennifer Viegas Fri Aug 6, 2010 09:32 AM ET | 0

Toxic algal blooms can alter shark brains, making them hyperexcited and in some cases, killing the animals, new research shows. Read more

lemon shark

A Grim Future for Tropical Forests

Posted by Zahra Hirji Fri Aug 6, 2010 09:14 AM ET | 0

Increasing land use and global warming will deal a devastating one-two punch to tropical forests by the end of the century. In some areas, plant and animal diversity will plummet by the year 2100. Read more

Satellites Use Ripples in Space to Detect Tsunamis

Posted by Michael Reilly Thu Aug 5, 2010 10:20 PM ET | 0

Tsunamis produce "gravity waves" that GPS satellites can detect. Space-based monitoring could be a powerful new tool for issuing tsunami warnings. Read more

New Moon Finding Holds Clues to Earth's Water

Posted by Larry O'Hanlon Thu Aug 5, 2010 02:00 PM ET | 0

Moon rocks collected by Apollo astronauts 40 years ago contain evidence that the moon's interior is bone dry. Read more

moon rocks dry water craters

NOAA: Hurricane Season Revving Up

Posted by John D. Cox Thu Aug 5, 2010 01:15 PM ET | 0

Forecasters see La Nina as an added threat for a busy and dangerous hurricane season. Read more

BP to Cement Over Well

Posted Thu Aug 5, 2010 10:25 AM ET | 0

BP is now filling its broken well in the Gulf with cement as extra insurance that more oil will not escape. Read more

gulf water

Floating Ice Contributes to Rising Sea Levels

Posted by Zahra Hirji Wed Aug 4, 2010 10:25 PM ET | 0

A new study shows that the melt of floating ice contributes to rising sea levels. If all floating ice in the ocean melted, global sea levels would increase a small but significant amount. Read more

Oil Spill Estimates May Be Too Optimistic

Posted by Eric Niiler Wed Aug 4, 2010 06:45 PM ET | 0

About three quarters of nearly 5 million barrels of oil has been accounted for, according to a federal report. Is the worst really over? Read more

Oil Spill

russia fires heat wave

Russian Fires, Heat Wave, and a Drive Through Hell (Video)

A death-defying escape from a wildfire in Russia highlights how bad things have gotten.

Popular Topics
Volcanoes | Plants | Green Science | Oceans

Floods Kill THousands in Pakistan: Big Pics

Posted Wed Aug 4, 2010 03:49 PM ET | 0

Monsoonal rains have caused the worst flooding in 80 years in northwestern Pakistan. Read more

pakistan flooding indus river

Gulf of Mexico Oil Well Plugged

Posted Wed Aug 4, 2010 09:46 AM ET | 2

After 106 days and a historical spill record, the Gulf gusher has been stopped. Read more

bp ships

Summer Bummer: Beaches Can Make You Sick

Posted by Emily Sohn Wed Aug 4, 2010 07:00 AM ET | 0

Next time you're packing your towel and sunscreen for a trip to the beach, you may want to check water quality reports, too. Read more


Mixing Magmas Means Volcanic Trouble for Mt. Hood

Posted by Zahra Hirji Tue Aug 3, 2010 11:45 PM ET | 4

Oregon's Mount Hood has an unusual eruptive process that doesn't give much warning before it blows, according to a new study. Read more

In the Unlikely Event of a Shark Attack...

Posted by Michael Reilly Tue Aug 3, 2010 11:11 PM ET | 1

Shark attack victims share their wisdom on what to do (and what not to do) if you are unlucky enough to find yourself in their shoes. Read more

BP Begins Gulf Oil Well 'Kill'

Posted Tue Aug 3, 2010 05:00 PM ET | 0

Can the energy giant finally seal the worst oil leak in history? Read more

Oil Spill

Can Venom Save Lives?

Posted by Cristen Conger Tue Aug 3, 2010 02:44 PM ET | 0

Tarantula, scorpion, ant, and other animals' venom contains compounds that can treat a range of severe diseases. Read more

Underwater Oil in Gulf Poses Threats

Posted by Eric Niiler Tue Aug 3, 2010 12:14 PM ET | 0

Officials recently declared the Gulf oil spill no longer poses a risk to the East Coast. But marine scientists are worried about the oil we can't see. Read more

florida beach

Plants 'Cry Wolf' to Fool Aphids

Posted by Larry O'Hanlon Tue Aug 3, 2010 09:11 AM ET | 3

Researchers tweak a plant so it rings its aphid alarm bell all the time - so the insects start to ignore it. Read more


Earth: Hair-raising Subwoofer Explained [VIDEO]

Posted Tue Aug 3, 2010 03:00 AM ET | 1

A YouTube video shows a girl's hair standing on end, jumping to the beats of a loud sound system. Can a subwoofer REALLY cause hair to dance? James Williams gets the explanation. Watch video

Earth: Hair-raising Subwoofer Explained

Chile Megaquake Creates New Coastline: Big Pics

Posted Mon Aug 2, 2010 07:30 PM ET | 0

A magnitude 8.8 earthquake in Chile in February thrust parts of the ocean floor above the waves, according to a new survey of the coast. Read more

chile coast earthquake

Charcoal Deposits Are Smoking Gun For Ancient Oxygen Levels

Posted by Zahra Hirji Mon Aug 2, 2010 07:11 PM ET | 3

Using ancient plant ashes, scientists reconstructed a history of Earth's atmospheric oxygen levels over the last 400 million years, and laid to rest some lingering doubts about mass extinctions. Read more

Shark Attacks: What Are the Odds?

Posted by Michael Reilly Mon Aug 2, 2010 12:15 PM ET | 3

Turns out you're more likely to be killed digging in the sand at the beach or wrestling with a vending machine than in a shark attack. Read more

Ocean Acidification Makes Oceans Smell Funny

Posted by Jessica Marshall Mon Aug 2, 2010 12:00 PM ET | 0

The odor change can be deadly to young fish that become disoriented and less able to avoid predators. Read more


BP Readies Oil Well 'Kill'

Posted Mon Aug 2, 2010 10:40 AM ET | 2

Engineers will pump heavy drilling fluid called "mud" into the cap in a bid to push the oil back down into the well. Read more

Oil Spill
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Michael Reilly

Volcanoes | Plants | Green Science | Oceans

Animals: Sixgill Sharks Still a Mystery [VIDEO]

Posted Mon Aug 2, 2010 03:00 AM ET | 0

Little is know about the elusive Sixgill Shark, but scientists are trying to change that. The Seattle Aquarium Sixgill Shark experts provide a primer on this elusive fish. Watch video

Animals: Sixgill Sharks Still a Mystery

Shark Attack Victims Still Fighting to Save Sharks

Posted by Michael Reilly Sun Aug 1, 2010 12:54 PM ET | 4

The legislative battle to conserve sharks has been brutally challenging, but it remains vitally important, writes shark attack survivor Debbie Salamone. Read more

California Wildfires Reigned In: Big Pics

Posted Sat Jul 31, 2010 02:15 PM ET | 1

A two-day old wildfire that consumed nearly 22 square miles of brush north of Los Angeles was mostly contained as of Saturday morning. Read more

california wildfires mostly contained

Russia Forest Fires Burn; Heat Wave Ongoing

Posted Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:39 PM ET | 2

Hundreds of thousands of firefighters, including army troops, on Saturday battled forest fires raging across central Russia in a heat wave that has killed more than 30 people. Read more

russia fires heat wave

Fishing Industry Fears Oil's Lingering Effects

Posted Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:45 AM ET | 5

Fishermen have been an integral part of cleanup operations, but they could end up losing their jobs for a second time. Read more

Gulf Oil Spill Fishing

How the Mississippi River Triggers Earthquakes

Posted by Michael Reilly Thu Jul 29, 2010 06:35 PM ET | 10

Scientists think Ole 'Miss is behind the strange, devastating earthquakes that rocked Missouri in the early 1800's Read more

What Caused the Stormy "Snowpocalypse" of 2010?

Posted by John D. Cox Thu Jul 29, 2010 03:00 PM ET | 1

Researchers examine the unusual conditions behind the cold and stormy winter of 2010 across the U.S. Mid-Atlantic. Read more

Greenland Bedrock Could Reveal Climate Future

Posted Thu Jul 29, 2010 08:56 AM ET | 4

After five years of drilling to find clues to a past climate warming, scientists finally hit bedrock in Greenland some 1.6 miles down. Read more

greenland glacier

Worst Oil Spill in Midwest Raises Pipeline Concerns

Posted by Michael Reilly Wed Jul 28, 2010 04:18 PM ET | 1

The oil spill in Michigan, though small compared to the Deepwater Horizon, raises questions about the country's network of oil and gas pipelines. Read more

Ocean's Most Abundant Food Source Disappearing

Posted by Emily Sohn Wed Jul 28, 2010 01:00 PM ET | 15

Contrary to what you might believe, a clear, blue ocean isn't necessarily a good thing. Read more


100 Days in, Oil Spill Questions Still Unanswered

Posted Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:55 PM ET | 0

The leak itself may be plugged, but the long-term impact of the spill may not be felt for decades. Read more

Oil Spill

Kilauea Lava Flows Claim 1 House, 2 More Threatened

Posted by Zahra Hirji Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:39 PM ET | 3

A surge of lava flows from Kilauea volcano are threatening the town of Kalapana. One house has already been lost and two more are in immediate danger. Read more

Why Do Hurricanes Form?

Posted by John D. Cox Tue Jul 27, 2010 02:16 PM ET | 1

Researcher this summer hope to answer one of the oldest mysteries in weather science: why do hurricanes form? Read more

New Oil Leak Reported in the Gulf of Mexico

Posted Tue Jul 27, 2010 02:00 PM ET | 8

A barge crashed into an oil well, sending crude spewing some 20 feet into the air. Read more

Oil Spill

St. Elmo's Fire Mimicked Using Rockets

Posted by Larry O'Hanlon Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:59 AM ET | 3

Scientists still aren't sure what the phenomenon is, but experiments suggest the balls of fire may not actually be lightning. Read more

st. elmo's fire

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